Section: Application Domains


The first application domain for our research is cryptology. This includes cryptography (constructive side) and cryptanalysis (breaking systems). For the cryptanalysis part, although it has practical implications, we do not expect any transfer in the classical sense of the term: it is more directed to governmental agencies and the end-users who build their trust, based on the cryptanalysis effort.


Our cryptographic contributions are related to multiple facets of the large realm of curve-based cryptology. While it is quite clear that a satisfying range of algorithms exists in order to provide cryptographers with elliptic curves having a suitably hard discrete logarithm (as found in cryptographic standards for instance), one must bear in mind that refinements of the requirements and extensions to curves of higher genus raise several interesting problems. Our work contributes to expanding the cryptographer's capabilities in these areas.

In the context of genus-2 curves, our work aims at two goals. First, improvements on the group law on selected curves yield better speed for the associated cryptosystems. The cryptographic primitives, and then the whole suite of cryptographic protocols built upon such curves would be accelerated. The second goal is the expansion of the set of curves that can be built given a set of desired properties. Using point counting algorithms for arbitrary curves, a curve offering a 128-bit security level, together with nice properties for fast arithmetic, has been computed by Caramel [10] . Another natural target for construction of curves for cryptography is also the suitability of curves for pairings. We expect to be able to compute such curves.

Implementations of curve-based cryptography, both in hardware and software, are a necessary step on the way to assessing cryptographic speed. We plan to provide such implementations. In particular, on the hardware side, one of our goals is the design of a complete cryptographic coprocessor, including all the primitives for curve-based and pairing-based cryptography, providing optimized and configurable efficiency vs area trade-off.


Our research on cryptanalysis is important for the cryptographic industry: by detecting weak instances, and setting new records we contribute to the definition of recommended families of systems together with their key sizes. The user's confidence in a cryptographic primitive is also related to how well the underlying problem is studied by researchers.

In particular, our involvement in computations with “NFS-like” algorithms encompasses of course the task of assessing the computational limits for integer factorization and discrete-logarithm computations. The impact of the former is quite clear as it concerns the RSA algorithm; record-sized computations attract broad interest and determine updates on key-length recommendations. The latter are particularly important for pairing-based cryptography, since, in this context, one naturally encounters discrete-logarithm problems in extension fields of large degree.


Floating-point arithmetic

The IEEE 754 standard for floating-point arithmetic was revised in 2008. The main new features are some new formats for decimal computations, and the recommendation of correctly rounded transcendental functions. The new decimal formats should not have an impact on our work, since we either use integer-only arithmetic, or arbitrary-precision binary floating-point arithmetic through the GNU MPFR library.

A new standard (P1788) is currently under construction for interval arithmetic. We are not officially involved in this standard, but we follow the discussions, to check in particular that the proposed standard will also cover arbitrary precision (interval) arithmetic.

Curve-based cryptography

Elliptic-curve cryptography has been standardized for almost 10 years now, in the IEEE P1363 standard. This standard provides key agreement, signature and encryption schemes, based on integer factorization, discrete logarithm in finite fields and in elliptic curves. There is another standardization effort, called SECG, which is mostly lead by the Certicom company, with the goal to maintain interoperability between different implementations. In particular, the SECG documents give explicit elliptic curves that can be used for cryptography. Similarly, some elliptic curves have been standardized by the US government; the latest version comes from the NSA Suite B that includes only elliptic curves defined over prime fields.

In the long term, those standards are a natural place to promote genus-2 curve cryptography, and by the time we consider that the curves we propose are mature enough, we will look for an industrial partner to help us pushing towards their standardization.

Pairing-based cryptography

Despite their very recent discovery, identity-based cryptosystems—and more generally pairing-based cryptosystems—have already spawned several international standardization efforts.

The first standard, part of ISO/IEC 14888-3, was published in 2006. However, it almost exclusively focuses on protocols and therefore is of little interest to us. On the other hand, the IEEE P1363.3 standard, which is still in preparation, is planned to offer more details as to the considered curves and pairings on which the protocols are based.

Although we are not officially involved in the elaboration of this standard, we have already participated in the review process of its first draft.

Computer algebra systems

Some of our software libraries are being used by computer algebra systems. Most of those libraries are free software, with a license that allows proprietary systems to link them. This gives us a maximal visibility, with a large number of users.


Magma is a very large computational algebra package. It provides a mathematically rigorous environment for computing with algebraic, number-theoretic, combinatoric, and geometric objects. It is developed in Sydney, by the team around John Cannon. It is non-commercial (in the sense that its goal is not to make profit), but is not freely distributed and is not open-source.

Several members of the team have visited Sydney — a few years ago — to contribute to the development of Magma, by implementing their algorithms or helping in integrating their software. Our link to Magma exists also via the libraries it uses: it currently links GNU MPFR and MPC for its floating-point calculations, and links GMP-ECM as part of its factorization suite.


Pari/GP is a computational number theory system that is composed of a C library and an interpreter on top of it. It is developed in Bordeaux, where Karim Belabas from the LFANT project-team is the main maintainer. Its license is GPL. Although we do not directly contribute to this package, we have good contact with the developers and in the future, GNU MPFR and MPC could be included.


Sage is a fairly large scale and open-source computer algebra system written in Python. Sage aggregates a large amount of existing free software, aiming at the goal of selecting the fastest free software package for each given task. The motto of Sage is that instead of “reinventing the wheel” all the time, Sage is “building the car”. To date, Sage links GNU MPFR , GMP-ECM, and MPC as optional package since 2010 (this was the result of a huge work done by Philippe Théveny in the MPtools ODL which finished in 2009). Plans exist to link GF2X and CADO-NFS into Sage.